Monthly Archives: April 2015

Will you call upon the Lord Jesus Christ, repent of your sins and be saved?

God who is rich in mercy has been very patient with you. He has been knocking on the door of your heart, will you let Him in? God’s will is not for any one of you to perish, but that all who believe in Him and call upon His name shall be saved. The time to repent is now, the place to begin is here. Call upon the name of the Lord and seek him while He may yet be found.


If you are God’s workmanship created in Christ Jesus for good works, why then are you not walking in them?

My brothers and sisters in Christ, you and I were saved by God’s grace and through faith. Why then do we allow ourselves to be deceived by the enemy, who entices us? We find ourselves doing the very things that we know we should not be doing. We continue to conduct ourselves in the lusts of the flesh, fulfilling the lusts of the mind, but God, who made us alive even when we were dead in trespasses, because of His great love for us, saved us before, and He could do it again. Let us ask God for His saving grace, to create in us clean hearts and to renew right spirits within us, so that we may once again walk in the love He taught us and complete the good works which He began in us. Praise the Lord!


Do you know Christ or are you still in bondage under the elements of this world?

When we do not know Christ we are like children, under guardians and stewardship, waiting for the appointed time of the Father, we are still in bondage under the elements of this world. But know this, that, when the fullness of time is come, you will come to know God and He will redeem you unto Himself, that, you might receive the adoption as sons. Therefore, you will no longer be a slave under law but a joint heir of God through Christ. Praise the Lord!


Do you trust the Lord to be your shepherd, to lead you and guide you in His way?

The Lords is our good shepherd, who lays down his life for His sheep. The Lord cares so much for us that He does not desire for us to be in want, so He makes us lie down in green pastures and leads us besides still waters to restore our souls. But, God will not lead you if you refuse to hear his voice. A good shepherd knows his sheep and the sheep knows his voice. If you trust the Lord to be your shepherd, He already knows you and you will come to know his voice. Praise the Lord!


What shall I render unto God for all his benefits towards me?

The Lord has blessed me so much, but am I giving back enough to God? Help me, oh Lord, to do what is right, to give unto Caesar the things which are Caesar’s and unto God the things that belong to him, for all things are thine, all good things comes from you, oh Lord, and of your own we should give you. I will give thanks always to the Lord my God, for he is mercifully kind.


What are you anxious for? What is the need that you have that you are doubtful that God will provide?

My brothers and sisters in Christ, there is nothing that you ask of God that he will not hear, there is no need that you have that God cannot supply, but understand this, His ways and not our ways, nor is His timing our timing, learn to wait patiently on the Lord, make your requests known to Him, and be not anxious, but be diligent in prayer and thanksgiving and God will give you your fruits in due season. Praise the Lord!


Do you pray to God that your trouble may depart from you?

My brothers and sisters in Christ, know this, that, “Afflictions though they seem severe in mercy oft are sent, they topped the prodigal son’s career, and caused him to repent.” Therefore, I always say this, that, whatever brings me to my knees in prayer before God, whatever humbles me, is good for, because it forces me to call upon God, to seek him out, and He showers me with His grace which is all sufficient, for His grace strengthens me, His grace encourages me, His grace comforts me, so that I am able to persevere. Praise the Lord!


Are you waiting patiently on the Lord?

My brothers and sisters in Christ, if you are waiting on the Lord, you must be patient, you must be of good courage, and God will strengthen your heart, he will give you the desires of your heart. The Lord will make your mountain to stand strong, the Lord will turn your mourning into dancing, know that the Lord’s anger towards you is but for a moment, and his favor is for life. Trust in him, believe in him and he will put more gladness in your heart more than the wine and grain your adversaries have could increase. Praise the Lord!


Do you desire to walk the streets of the city of pure gold?

My brothers and sisters in Christ, God is calling all of us who hears His word and abides in them to “Come”, to take the water of life freely, so that our names shall be written in the Lambs Book of Life, and be able to walk the streets of the city of pure gold. I don’t know about you, but I want to walk through the pearly gates of the city, I want to sit at the feet of Jesus and hear Him say, “Welcome home my child! Welcome, My good and faithful servant.”  Won’t you Come?


Is God alive in your heart this morning?

He is alive! Jesus left the tomb open wide. He is living in my heart. Will you allow Him to live in your heart too? He’s alive! He is worthy to be praised. He redeemed us and we are saved, by the blood of the Lamb. Hallelujah! He’s alive!

