Monthly Archives: September 2015

How many of us return to say, “Thank you, Lord” for what he has done for us?

We forget so easily the good things God does for us, but, for those of us who have experienced the greatness of the Lord, we are constantly telling others what Jesus has done for us, we are forever lifting Him up in praise, because we understand, that what He does for us no one else could have or would have been willing to do for us. Therefore, we say, “Thank you, Lord, for all that you have done and continue to do for us.”

Art thou weary, art thou languid, art thou sore distressed? “Come to Me,” saith One, “and coming, be at rest.

“Hath He marks to lead me to Him, if He be my Guide? In His feet and hands are wound prints and His side. Hath He diadem, as monarch, that His brow adorns? Yes, a crown in very surety, but of thorns. If I find Him, if I follow, what His guerdon here? Many a sorrow, many a labor, many a tear. If I still hold closely to Him, what hath He at last? Sorrow vanquished, labor ended, Jordan passed. If I ask Him to receive me, will He say me nay? Not till earth and not till Heaven, pass away. Finding, following, keeping, struggling, is He sure to bless? Saints, apostles, prophets, martyrs, answer, yes!”

The warning is clear. Will you bend or will you be broken?

My brothers and sisters in Christ, the fear of the Lord, is the beginning of wisdom but fools despise wisdom and instruction. “If sinners entice you, do not consent, for their feet run to evil and they make haste to shed blood. Let us turn at the Lord’s rebuke and surely, He will pour out His spirit upon us. But, if we refuse to bend after many warnings, we will experience sudden brokenness which will be beyond repair. Whoever is wise among us will turn away from wickedness and hardness of heart and live.

Did you choose God, or did God choose you!

Many of us have been given the choice to choose the world or to choose God and we have the chosen the world. But I am here to remind you this morning, that, God could choose us at any time, His grace could save us at any time, but, he wants us to come to him willingly. All we need to do is to take that first step by faith and God will do the rest. My brothers and sisters in Christ, I give God all the glory and all the praise, because if He had not chosen me when He did, the world would have enthralled me, and blinded me to God’s heavenly glories, but, thanks be to God, His grace saved me, and it could save you too. Praise the Lord!

Are you ready to surrender your heart to God?

My brothers and sisters in Christ, we should not only sing these wonderful hymns, but we should use them for reflection and meditation. The inviting words, the repentant themes are powerful and should help to draw us closer to God. Lord, I bring before you this day, all those who have been straying from you and are now ready to surrender their heart to you. I know that you are a Father who loves his children and want them to come home. Show them the way I pray O Lord, in the Mighty name of Jesus. Amen!

Are you standing on the solid Rock of Christ?

“My hope is built on nothing less, than Jesus’ blood and righteousness. I dare not trust the sweetest frame, but wholly trust in Jesus’ Name. On Christ the solid Rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand; all other ground is sinking sand. His oath, His covenant, His blood, support me in the whelming flood. When all around my soul gives way, He then is all my Hope and Stay. On Christ the solid Rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand; all other ground is sinking sand.”

How weary are you this morning? Are you ready to come home?

Someone this morning is tired, someone this morning has been wandering far away from home; it’s time to come home. Your heavenly Father is waiting and watching for you to come home. He is ready to kill the fatted calf, He will not ask you where you have been or what you have done, He just wants you to come home. Will you deny him again? Why should you linger and heed not his mercies while they are available? Come home today, tomorrow may be too late.

Is envy and selfish ambition among you? Where do these evils come from?

My brothers and sisters in Christ, these cravings come from those that are at war within us and they will produce disorder and wickedness of every kind. If you claim that you are a Christian this morning walking faithfully in the ways of the Lord, let not any one of these cravings be named among you, but show by the way you live that your works are done with gentleness, and born of wisdom. Praise the Lord!

What is preventing you from tasting and experiencing for yourself the goodness of the Lord!

My brothers and sisters in Christ, you are missing out if you have not yet tasted the goodness of the Lord. He blesses us each day, but for those who are walking faithfully with him, he fills their lives with good things and in abundance, they lack nothing and are filled with joy. O, taste and see for yourself this morning, the goodness of the Lord.

Who is God except the Lord? Who is like him?

There is none like our faithful shepherd, who leads us in pastures green, there is none like our good shepherd and from him new mercies we glean. There is none like our wonderful shepherd, who leads us and guides us each day, and through every struggle and heartache, he’s with us every step of the way. (Another Jewel Greer Original)
