Monthly Archives: February 2016

Will you return to the Lord and ask him to forgive you of your sins?

My brothers and sisters in Christ, “If we say we have no sin we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us, but, if we confess our sins, God is faithful and just and will forgive us from all unrighteousness.” Therefore, return to the Lord and say these things to him; “Forgive all our sins and kindly receives us.”

I am on a mission the win souls for God. How about you?

With God’s help, I am daily working to win more souls for his kingdom. As God enables me, I will continue on to share his gospel, to preach it to those who do not know it, to those who have not yet to come to know God in the most intimate way, or those who are rebellious, lost, or can’t find their way. May God continue to strengthen my weak areas, so that I may be strengthened to help the fallen to stand up for Jesus. Thank you, Lord!

Is it easy to love one another even as Christ loves us?

No! But, this is God’s command to us, that we love one another even as he has loved us. He has loved us when we have been unkind, he has loved us when we have been unfaithful, and he has loved us when we have been unlovely. So, why can’t we at least try to love those who are unkind, unfaithful or unlovely? Help us Lord, to do as you command. Love one another without judgment, and by doing this, all men will know that we are Your disciples. Praise the Lord!


Do you not yet understand the height, depth, length and breadth of God’s love for you?

Lord, may we never forget the height, depth, length and breadth of your love for us, as you repeatedly forgive our sins which brought about your death. Help us to realize that we crucify you all over again, every time we sin. Lord, please keep us from perpetuating the rejection you suffered for us and the agony you bore for our salvation.


I have promised to follow Jesus and serve Him to the end. Would you join me?

Heavenly Father, I commit myself to your service; and I ask you to continually be my master and my friend. There is no battle that I will fear while walking by your side, nor will I wander from your pathway, when you are my guide. Oh, let me always feel you near me, please,  silence the tempting sounds I hear and blind me to the sinful sights of this world, draw closer to me dear Lord; and shield my soul from sin. Amen! Thank you, Lord!



Is your situation driving you to a breaking point or a turning point?

Good! Good for you! I will pray for you, that your situation keeps you on your knees and in prayer before God. He is the only one who will be able to deliver you, because our God is awesome. He will heal you when you are broken; provide for you when you are in need; he will keep you in the valley where you will have no one else to depend on, but him. Let your time in the valley be your turning point and not your breaking point. Praise the Lord!


God is slow to anger, but, how much more will you continue to test him?

We are reminded in Ecclesiastes 8:11, that “When the sentence for a crime is not quickly carried out, people’s hearts are filled with schemes to do wrong.” I want to remind you this morning, that there is nothing hidden from God, he is aware of your wicked schemes, but, he is just slow to anger, he is just giving you the chance to repent of the wrongs that you have done, to turn away from sin and the evil way and turn to him,  but, you continue to test him.


What does the Lord require of you this morning?

Make no mistake my brethren, God gives us so much, and in return he is asking us to walk in obedience to him. Why is it so easy for us to walk in the paths of ungodliness, than to walk in the paths of the Lord? Let us make it our aim to do as the Lord commands, to turn away from the wrong and to do the right, because, God requires this of us. Praise the Lord!


What is the idol in your life that is preventing you from serving God faithfully?

Lord, too many of us still do not understand the power of the idols in our lives, because we are yet to label them as thus ask your help to banish them from our lives. Too many of us claim to love you, but the idols in our lives are prevent us from serving you faithfully. Lord, help us to put away from us the gods that we serve, the idols in our lives, and serve you in sincerity and in truth. Amen!

I have chosen the blessings of the Lord. What will be your choice?

Lord, I commit myself this day to your service and to keeping your commandments, so that, I may faithfully walk in your ways all the days of my life. I have chosen the blessings that will come from you, as you promised to those who carefully observe your statutes. Help those who are undecided this morning, those who have wandered far away from you, those who are rebellious and continue to walk in their own way, those who have put their hands to the plow and turned back, to keep your commandments, so that they could be blessed in all that they put their hands to and not be cursed. Praise the Lord!

